For international admissions information please contact:
International Student Services
Division of Student Success Center
Admissions Deadlines:
Application Deadline – June 1
Documentation Deadline – July 1
Application Deadline – October 15
Documentation Deadline – November 15
Delta State University welcomes international students to the Mississippi Delta. Whether you are pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree, we have the right academic program for you. Our goal in International Student Services, a Division of the Student Success Center, is to be a home away from home for our international student body.
Our international advisors help you receive one-on-one assistance, guidance and advice from the very beginning of the application and enrollment process, throughout your time at Delta State, and post-graduation. Delta State University is a public institution with multiple degree programs. Undergraduate programs provide educational opportunities in the Arts and Sciences, Business, Education/Human Sciences, and Nursing. Graduate and Continuing Studies programs include options at the masters, educational specialist, and doctoral levels that provide advanced training in a broad range of disciplines.
As you connect with Delta State’s International Student Services, you will find out why so many students choose to make Delta State University their home away from home. Click here to learn more about International Student Services.
Request for Information
How do you classify?
Undergraduate Freshman
Students who have earned a high school diploma but do not have any college credit.
Undergraduate Transfer
Students who have earned some college credit from another college or university.
Students who have earned a bachelor’s degree and want to pursue a master’s or doctoral degree.
1. Non-U.S. Transcript Evaluation
Please see the specific academic program website for a full list of program specific requirements, such as: GPA/required undergraduate courses, resume. Please be aware that “Traditional Programs” are the only graduate level programs eligible for F1 visa approval.
Please request that an official/complete SpanTran, WES, or ECE transcript evaluation for each previously attended non-U.S. school/university be submitted directly to Delta State University International Student Services.
Spantran – Students using our SpanTran portal receive a discount.
- Type of evaluation needed
- High school transcript evaluation – “document-by-document”
- Non-U.S. university transcript evaluation – “course-by-course”
Request Evaluation >> Spantran
- If you have attended more than one non-U.S. university, you will need to request an evaluation for each non-U.S. university previously attended.
WES Evaluations
- Type of evaluation needed
- High school transcript evaluation – “general with grade average”
- Non-U.S. university transcript evaluation – “course-by-course”
- Request evaluation >> WES Link Here
- If you have attended more than one non-U.S. university, you will need to request an evaluation for each non-U.S. university previously attended.
ECE Evaluations
- Type of evaluation needed
- High school transcript evaluation – “general with grade average”
- Non-U.S. university transcript evaluation – “course-by-course”
- Request evaluation >> ECE Link Here
- If you have attended more than one non-U.S. university, you will need to request an evaluation for each non-U.S. university previously attended.
2. U.S. Transcript
If you have attended a U.S. university or college, please request an official/final transcript be submitted to Delta State International Student Services either electronically through ESCRIPT or mailed from previous university to:
Missey Hudson
Coordinator of International Student Services/PDSO
Division of Student Success Center
Delta State University, Union 308
1003 W Sunflower Road
DSU Box 3232
Cleveland, MS 38733
3. Official ACT or SAT Score Report
An official SAT or ACT score report will need to be submitted from the testing center to Delta State University.
School code for needed for testing centers:
- SAT = 1163
- ACT = 002190
Minimum score requirements:
- SAT – 880 (combined reading and math)
- ACT – 16 (composite score)
An SAT or ACT score report is required for:
- Freshman
- Transfer from a U.S. university that have not completed all 30 semester hours listed below
- 6 hours – English Composition
- 3 hours – College Algebra (or higher math)
- 6 hours – Laboratory Science
- 6 hours – Behavioral Science
- 9 hours – Transferable Academic Electives
An SAT or ACT score is waived for:
- Transfer from U.S. university with all 30 semester hours listed above and 2.0 (or above) cumulative GPA.
- Transfer from non-U.S. university with a minimum of one academic year of study with a 2.0 (or above) cumulative GPA.
4. English Language Proficiency Test
An official TOEFL or IELTS score report will need to be submitted from the testing center to Delta State University, International Student Services.
- Minimum scores accepted:
- Internet based testing – 70
- Paper based testing – 525
- Computer based testing – 196
- Request score report >>
- Minimum score accepted – 5.5
- Request score report >>
- Minimum score accepted- 110
- Request score report >>
English language proficiency tests are required for:
- Freshman or international transfer students from Non-English speaking countries.
- Transfer students who have not completed 30 semester hour transfer requirement from U.S. university.
English language proficiency tests are waived for:
- Students from an English speaking country who can provide an official senior certificate or official letter from high school stating that education was completed primarily in the English language.
- Transfer students that have completed 30 semester hour transfer requirement from U.S. university.
5. Medical Requirements
DSU requires all international applicants submit verification of 2 immunizations for measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR 1 & 2), along with an official TB chest x-ray report indicating the applicant does not have any signs of tuberculosis, prior to receiving university acceptance or creation of the I-20.
Athletic applicants will be required to also submit a sickle cell blood test in addition to the MMR 1 & 2 and TB documentation. The sickle cell blood test report will not hinder acceptance or creation of the I-20.
Please see below for more information.
MMR 1 & 2 immunization record
- Must indicate you have completed two vaccinations for each of the following: measles, mumps, and rubella.
- Record must be signed/dated by the doctor and translated into English.
- Verification of two vaccinations for MMR must be submitted for university acceptance and creation of I-20.
TB Chest X-ray
- X-ray report must clearly indicate each of the following and be dated within 1 year of program start date:
- Applicant’s name
- Test results: “Positive for signs of tuberculosis” (shows signs of TB) or “Negative for signs of tuberculosis” (shows no signs of TB)
- Doctor’s name (typed) and handwritten signature
- Be on official medical facility’s letterhead
- Be translated in English
- Must be submitted for university acceptance and creation of I-20.
6. Affidavit of Financial Support
Download Affidavit of Financial Support
- Estimated financial breakdown for one academic year listed on bottom of page 1 of Affidavit of Financial Support.
- Applicant will need to fill out page 1/sign bottom of page 2.
- Whoever agrees to be financially responsible for applicant while he/she is enrolled at Delta State will need to fill out the sponsor section on page 2.
- Can have up to 2 financial sponsors.
- This is required even if applicant plans to receive scholarship or other financial assistance.
7. Financial Bank Statement
- This will need to be an official bank statement for whoever completes financial sponsor section of Declaration of Financial Support.
- The statement meet all of the following requirements:
- Show account owner (sponsor) & bank/financial institution’s name and address
- Show minimum available account balance equal to/greater than agreed sponsorship amount.
- Be current within the 6 months of DSU program start date
- Must be signed, stamped, and dated by an official bank representative
- Clearly list type of currency being used
- This will need to be submitted and the available account balance must be equal to/greater than agreed sponsorship amount, even if applicant plans to receive scholarship or other financial assistance.
8. Housing
Undergraduate Housing
- Freshmen – Required (unless 21+ years old) for two years of enrollment/completion of 60 credit hours.
- Transfer with less than 60 university credit hours – Required (unless 21+ years old) for first year of enrollment/completion of 60 credit hours.
- Transfer with 60 or more credit hours – Optional but strongly suggested the first year of enrollment to allow time to become familiar with the town/community, view/compare rental property in person before signing lease, and/or meet potential roommate(s) to reduce cost of off-campus housing expenses.
9. International Dorm Kit
International Student Services strongly suggests that all new international students who plan to live on campus purchase an International Dorm Kit so they have the following items readily available upon arrival to campus.
- Twin Sheet Set (1 flat/1 fitted sheet)
- Lightweight Blanket
- Standard Pillow
- Bath Towel
- Hand Towel
- Wash Cloth
- Small Laundry Basket
- Toilet Paper
DSU International Student Services will make a trip to Walmart during New Student Orientation so new students can purchase school supplies, food/snacks, personal items, etc. However, this Walmart trip is scheduled 1-2 days after students arrive on campus for orientation. Therefore, students living on campus who have not pre-purchased a dorm kit may be unable to purchase the items listed above until a few days after arriving on campus.
10. International Student Insurance
DSU requires all international students be enrolled in DSU’s international student health insurance. Students are automatically enrolled upon acceptance and renewed throughout enrollment. Coverage begins on the program start date (first day of classes), is set up in 6 month increments (August 1 – January 31, February 1 – July 31), and will be automatically renewed each semester of enrollment throughout graduation.
If you begin enrollment with DSU during the spring semester, your 1st insurance payment may be more than the amount indicated on your Declaration of Financial Support because you will need to be covered for an additional month (January).
Please see our International Insurance Summary of Benefits to see a list of services that will be covered by the group policy. For more information, please see the DSU approved international student insurance website.
1. Non-U.S. Transcript Evaluation
Please see the specific academic program website for a full list of program specific requirements, such as: GPA/required undergraduate courses, resume. Please be aware that “Traditional Programs” are the only graduate level programs eligible for F1 visa approval.
Please request that an official/complete SpanTran, WES, or ECE transcript evaluation for each previously attended non-U.S. school/university be submitted directly to Delta State University International Student Services.
SpanTran- Students using our SpanTran portal receive a discount.
- Type of evaluation needed – “course-by-course”
- Request Evaluation >> Spantran
- If you have attended more than one non-U.S. university, you will need to request an evaluation for each non-U.S. university previously attended.
WES Evaluations
- Type of evaluation needed – “course-by-course”
- Request evaluation >> WES Link Here
- If you have attended more than one non-U.S. university, you will need to request an evaluation for each non-U.S. university previously attended.
ECE Evaluations
- Type of evaluation needed – “course-by-course”
- Request evaluation >> ECE Link Here
- If you have attended more than one non-U.S. university, you will need to request an evaluation for each non-U.S. university previously attended
2. U.S. Transcript
If you have attended a U.S. university or college, please request an official/final transcript be submitted to Delta State International Student Services either electronically through ESCRIPT or mailed from previous university to:
Missey Hudson
Coordinator of International Student Services/PDSO
Division of Student Success Center
Delta State University, Union 308
1003 W Sunflower Road
DSU Box 3232
Cleveland, MS 38733
3. English Language Proficiency Test
An official TOEFL or IELTS score report will need to be submitted from the testing center to Delta State University International Student Services.
- Minimum scores accepted:
- Internet based testing – 70
- Paper based testing – 525
- Computer based testing – 196
- Request score report >>
- Minimum score accepted – 6.0
- Request score report >>
- Minimum score accepted 110
- Request score report >>
English language proficiency tests are required for:
- Freshman or international transfer students from Non-English speaking countries.
- Transfer students who have not completed 30 semester hour transfer requirement from U.S. university.
English language proficiency tests are waived for:
- Students from an English speaking country who can provide an official senior certificate or official letter from high school stating that education was completed primarily in the English language.
- Transfer students that have completed 30 semester hour transfer requirement from U.S. university.
4. Medical Requirements
DSU requires all international applicants submit verification of 2 immunizations for measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR 1 & 2), along with an official TB chest x-ray report indicating the applicant does not have any signs of tuberculosis, prior to receiving university acceptance or creation of the I-20.
PROOF OF IMMUNIZATION A.Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Proof of immunization of measles, mumps, and rubella is required (two doses of the MMR vaccine) of all students, unless exempt because of (a) actual or suspected pregnancy (measles or rubella vaccines are not required for females who are pregnant; if pregnancy is suspected, a valid certificate of medical exception from a health provider is required until pregnancy is resolved), (b) medical contraindication, or (c) birth prior to 1957. Temporary waivers may be granted for students enrolled in distance learning courses and/or programs where their time on campus is limited to a minimum number of hours as determined by the admitting IHL institution. (BT Minutes, 2/2009; 3/2010; 11/2010) B.HEPATITIS B Proof of hepatitis B vaccination is required for students who are involved in health education programs that cause them to be potentially exposed to blood or other bodily fluids. (BT Minutes, 1/93; 1/98; 2/2009; 3/2010) C.TUBERCULOSIS Proof of test screening for tuberculosis by chest x-ray and interferon gamma release assays (IGRA) performed in the United States prior to the start of classes is required for all international students. (BT Minutes, 1/93; 1/98; 2/2009; 3/2010; 2016
Athletic applicants will be required to also submit a sickle cell blood test in addition to the MMR 1 & 2 and TB documentation. The sickle cell blood test report will not hinder acceptance or creation of the I-20.
Please see below for more information.
MMR 1 & 2 immunization record
- Must indicate you have completed two vaccinations for each of the following: measles, mumps, and rubella.
- Record must be signed/dated by the doctor and translated into English.
- Verification of two vaccinations for MMR must be submitted for university acceptance and creation of I-20.
TB Chest X-ray
- X-ray report must clearly indicate each of the following and be dated within 1 year of program start date:
- Applicant’s name
- Test results: “Positive for signs of tuberculosis” (shows signs of TB) or “Negative for signs of tuberculosis” (shows no signs of TB)
- Doctor’s name (typed) and handwritten signature
- Be on official medical facility’s letterhead
- Be translated in English
- Must be submitted for university acceptance and creation of I-20.
5. Additional/Specific Academic Program Requirements
Please see the specific academic program website for a full list of program specific requirements, such as: GPA/required undergraduate courses, resume. Please be aware that “Traditional Programs” are the only graduate level programs eligible for F1 visa approval.
6. Affidavit of Financial Support
Download Affidavit of Financial Support
- Estimated financial breakdown for one academic year listed on bottom of page 1 of Affidavit of Financial Support.
- Applicant will need to fill out page 1/sign bottom of page 2.
- Whoever agrees to be financially responsible for applicant while he/she is enrolled at Delta State will need to fill out the sponsor section on page 2.
- Can have up to 2 financial sponsors.
- This is required even if applicant plans to receive scholarship or other financial assistance.
7. Financial Bank Statement
- This will need to be an official bank statement for whoever completes financial sponsor section of Declaration of Financial Support.
- The statement meet all of the following requirements:
- Show account owner (sponsor) & bank/financial institution’s name and address
- Show minimum available account balance equal to/greater than agreed sponsorship amount.
- Be current within the 6 months of DSU program start date
- Must be signed, stamped, and dated by an official bank representative
- Clearly list type of currency being used
- This will need to be submitted and the available account balance must be equal to/greater than agreed sponsorship amount, even if applicant plans to receive scholarship or other financial assistance.
8. Housing
Graduate Housing
- Optional for all graduate level international students
9. International Dorm Kit
International Student Services strongly suggests that all new international students who plan to live on campus purchase an International Dorm Kit so they have the following items readily available upon arrival to campus.
- Twin Sheet Set (1 flat/1 fitted sheet)
- Lightweight Blanket
- Standard Pillow
- Bath Towel
- Hand Towel
- Wash Cloth
- Small Laundry Basket
- Toilet Paper
DSU International Student Services will make a trip to Walmart during New Student Orientation so new students can purchase school supplies, food/snacks, personal items, etc. However, this Walmart trip is scheduled 1-2 days after students arrive on campus for orientation. Therefore, students living on campus who have not pre-purchased a dorm kit may be unable to purchase the items listed above until a few days after arriving on campus.
10. International Student Insurance
DSU requires all international students be enrolled in DSU’s international student health insurance. Students are automatically enrolled upon acceptance and renewed throughout enrollment. Coverage begins on the program start date (first day of classes), is set up in 6 month increments (August 1 – January 31, February 1 – July 31), and will be automatically renewed each semester of enrollment throughout graduation.
If you begin enrollment with DSU during the spring semester, your 1st insurance payment may be more than the amount indicated on your Declaration of Financial Support because you will need to be covered for an additional month (January).
Please see our International Insurance Summary of Benefits to see a list of services that will be covered by the group policy. For more information, please see the DSU approved international student insurance website.